Anon: Psalm 66 and Erhalt uns, Herr

Ψ 66
Erhalt vns Herr beÿ deinen wortt
  Lübbenau Tablature LyB7
(Danzig or Stockholm?, ca 1620s)

This two-verse setting of Genevan Psalm 66 (the tune also used for Psalms 98 and 118, and called in the Hymnal 1982 ‘Rendez à Dieu’, the incipit of Psalm 98) is one of five sets of psalm settings in LyB7. This unpretentious, well-crafted piece presumably sets Sweelinck’s mostly more substantial works in context, giving us a glimpse into what was probably a lively tradition of improvising upon the Genevan Psalms; it is also helpful to the modern church organist, who has not many settings of this tune (which appears with three different texts in the Hymnal 1982) from which to choose. Dirksen’s brief commentary in his monumental book on Sweelinck’s keyboard works says that this set of psalm variations observes the F-compass of Dutch organs of the period, but in fact the present second variation descends to C, raising the question of whether it was written for harpsichord. (I have not seen Dirksen’s edition of these pieces, which may offer a different view; the recording included here was made from my own transcription from LyB7 and informed by the edition found at

The setting of ‘Erhalt uns, Herr’ is written in a different hand than the five sets of psalm variations in LyB7 and is a substantial piece. The chorale appears in the treble throughout, with motives derived from it appearing in imitative and other counterpoint in the other voices. I think it’s clear that the three variations portray the three original stanzas of the text, for which a strong reed-based registration seems appropriate:

Erhalt vns HErr bey deinem Wort
Vnd steur des Bapsts vnd Türcken Mord
Die Jhesum Christum deinen Son
Wolten stürzen von deinem Thron

Beweis dein Macht / HERR Jhesu Christ
Der du HErr aller HErren bist.
Beschirm dein arme Christenheit
Das sie dich lob in ewigkeit.

Gott heilger Geist du Tröster werd
Gib deim Volck einrley sinn auff Erd.
Sthe bey vns in der letzen Not
Gleit vns ins Leben aus dem Tod.

Keep us, Lord, in your word,

and control the murder[ous rage] of the Pope and the Turks,

who would want to cast down Jesus Christ, your son,

From his throne.

Show your might, Lord Jesus Christ,

you who are the Lord of lords;

protect your poor Christian people,

so that they may praise you for ever.

God, the Holy Spirit, you precious comforter,

Give to your people unity of purpose on earth,

Stand by us in our last agony!

Lead us out of death into life!